The Rabbit Hole is a live radio show hosted by The Rud Brothers that airs every Thursday at 8pm on rabbit hole radio on live365
They play great music. It's kinda like college radio for adults…but not really.
Sometimes they interview local musicians. Kinda like Oprah… but not really.
They are two brothers who drink and act silly on their show. Kinda like Bob and Doug McKenzie… but not really.
It's two musically comical cool dudes kinda like Tenacious D… but not really.
They are huge movie buffs and often provide the public with useful movie reviews. Kinda like Siskel and Ebert… but not really.
It's something to look forward to every Thursday night kinda like ER when it was on tv… but not really.
It’s like a conspiracy theory podcast…but not really.
They let you in their personal lives a little bit. You end up feeling like old friends kinda like Steve Edelman and Sharon Anderson on Good Company…but not really.
A dress code that rivals Ron Burgundy but not…. Well, actually pretty close to Ron Burgundy actually.