Here in The Rabbit Hole we use certain terms and phrases. If you are a first time listener we can see how there might be some confusion. Allow us to clear up any confusion.

The following are very common terms and phrases we use and what they mean.

  1. “Take It Easy”-Pretty self explanatory. We like to take it easy in The Rabbit Hole. There are other shows that may say they like to take it easy. Those are Meer copycats. We are the originators of “Takin’ It Easy”

  2. “Tink”-This is basically the same as raising a toast or clinking glasses together in celebration. Again, there are others out there that have pirated this phrase. We are the originators. Don’t settle for imitators

  3. “Gong”-We speak in movie quotes here in The Rabbit Hole. To help identify when a movie quote has been used we will either say “gong”or use the gong sound.

  4. “Settle Down”-Before one can “Take It Easy” you first must “settle down”

  5. “Supper Coating” or “Supper coat culture”-A dress code is strictly enforced here in The Rabbit Hole. That means you can’t get in the door without a supper coat on. No, it’s not a blazer or a dinner jacket. It’s a SUPPER COAT. Know the difference.

  6. “Coat Coat”-A coat coat is a coat for your supper coat. This should also have a fuzzy collar.